Welcome to the Student Resources Page! This page will continue to be updated with useful tools to guide student practice. Check back often!
Major Scales: Click on the links below for scales and arpeggios in the appropriate octaves for horn. For elementary and middle school players, click on the "One Octave Major Scales and Arpeggios" sheet. For high schoolers, use the "Two Octave Major Scales" sheet.
One Octave Major Scales and Arpeggios
Teaching Beginner Horn Players:
Are you tasked with teaching beginner horn students and don’t quite know where to begin? Click here to check out an article I wrote for the National Association for Music Education (NAfME)! Consider it a one-stop-shop for setting up your young horn players for success, including pictures and video tutorials!
Are you learning to play the French horn without a teacher? Check out my “Beginner Horn Lessons” playlist on YouTube to get started the right way!